Apr 14, 2009

port 6881 blacklisted - General - µTorrent Community Forums Jan 16, 2006 Error 02: Port 6881 blacklisted (solved) • KDE Community Jun 06, 2008 Error (port 6881 is blacklisted) - BitTorrent Jun 13, 2005 QNAP - Multiple outgoing connection on UDP port 6881

I notice on my firewall that my QNAP NAS is continuously sending UDP sessions out to the Internet. Every second I have 5 - 7 connections out to addresses like the following: 2013-11-10 23:17:54 D

Jun 09, 2005 Błędy w klientach Torrent - Poradniki | Instrukcje | FAQ 23.reject by tracker - port 6881 is blacklisted Dosłownie: Odrzucony przez tracker - port 6881 jest wciągnięty na czarną listę Twój klient zgłasza Ci taki błąd ponieważ używasz dla połączeń przychodzących jednego z domyślnych portów bittorenta (6881-6889) lub innego domyślnego portu używanego przez popularne programy P2P. TUTORIAL: How To Open Ports and Forward them to your

Having an issue with rutorrent : seedboxes

The question is properly formatted but meaningless. How do we know what low- and medium-security means in you router? May be heroku.com is blacklisted in medium-sec level, or may be bitbucket.org is whitelisted. Or may be they use different SSL algorithms and medium-sec level considers heroku's inadequate. – phd Jun 15 at 9:55 [drama 2006] Dae Jo Young 대조영 - Page 7 - k-dramas & movies Aug 10, 2007