May 13, 2017 · All right, it’s an exaggeration to say that the internet as a whole is spying on you. But there are a hell of a lot of companies out there keeping tabs on your online activity. The motivation

9 Ways Your Government Is Spying on Your Internet Activity In recent years, a lot of concern has come regarding government spying on internet activity. Although the NSA continues to monitor the internet activity of Americans, it has simply become a way of … Civil liberties groups pressure House to crack down on May 17, 2020 How Governments Spy on You, and What You can Do About It

Eager to quell a domestic furor over U.S. spying, the nation's top intelligence official stressed Saturday that a previously undisclosed program for tapping into Internet usage is authorized by

In the following sections we’re going to say “Stop Spying on me” loud and clearly. You’ll find out everything there is to know about government monitoring your internet browsing and what can you do to avoid risking anything in these conditions.

The government must respect and protect a person’s right to privacy, this including one’s personal internet/online usage and communications. Any such invasion or interference of privacy must never be permitted or tolerated for whatsoever reason, more so such arbitrary ‘spying’ and keeping records of internet activity of all persons

Apr 23, 2019 · That doesn’t make government spying OK, but obviously BOTH sides are guilty of spying on citizens, after all the Patriot Act was born under a right-wing government! How about an article about how to protect your phone and laptop from over-zealous border patrol agents, when you enter the country? A high score allows you access to faster internet service or a fast-tracked visa to Europe. Although Chinese companies now are required to assist in government spying while U.S. companies are How New Internet Spying Laws Will Actually ENABLE Stalkers, Spammers, Phishers And, Yes, Pedophiles & Terrorists go look up cases of the U.S. government spying on people without this kind of May 25, 2020 · Sen. Ron Wyden Wants to Stop the Government From Spying on Your Internet Searches tried attaching an amendment to the bill that would've explicitly banned government agents from collecting Dec 25, 2016 · 15 Ways The Government Is Watching You Right Now. Edward Snowden verified tinfoil hat wearers everywhere in 2013 when he confirmed, in short, that the government is spying on US citizens.